Rising from the warm shores of the Persian Gulf and the shifting sands of the Arabian Desert, is the city of Dubai, the largest emirate in the United Arab Emirates.
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In the United Arab Emirates 65% of university graduates are female.
In some Gulf States, such as Kuwait or the United Arab Emirates, more than 50% of the health workforce are migrants.
It cited plans for the so-called desert Louvre, to open in 2013 in the United Arab Emirates, and the arrival of a Starbucks coffee house near the Louvre.
A year ago the ministry of social affairs in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) launched a campaign against "masculine women".
In the United Arab Emirates 65% of university graduates are female.
One such agreement between the United States and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is due to enter into force in October. America hopes it will be a model of good practice for others too.
In the United Arab Emirates 65% of university graduates are female.In Brazil and China the figures are 60% and 47% respectively.
The president also took time in the United Arab Emirates to try to build a rapport with local leaders - dining in the desert, and visiting the ancestral home of the ruler of Dubai.
布什总统也花时间访问了阿拉伯联合酋长国,试图与当地的领袖建立起良好关系。 他和他们在沙漠里共进晚餐,并且拜访了迪拜统治者祖先的故居。
The national team of the United Arab Emirates made the lizard.
The airline has offered relatives of crash victims in the United Arab Emirates free passage to India, Pathak said, and about 20 people have accepted the offer.
During that period Estonia and the United Arab Emirates also saw collapses of nearly 40%.
Now a team at the United Arab Emirates University have worked out a way of modifying the chemicals to remove their harmful side-effects .
Officials from several nations, including the United Arab Emirates, India, Saudi Arabia and Indonesia, have announced or are contemplating bans on BlackBerry features.
It has also been published in Italian, and some Arabic copies are available in Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates.
When it comes to producing greenhouse gases it is almost in a class by itself: only the United Arab Emirates gives off more per person.
Maintaining golf courses, gardens, and water parks is a challenge for any city in the United Arab Emirates.
Electricity demand in the United Arab Emirates alone is expected to grow by 10 percent over the next three years, according to a report from the research firm RNCOS.
The world’s most Friedman-friendly country is the United Arab Emirates, with 84% agreeing with his dictum: perhaps not surprising for a small, business-oriented country.
Is the only one in the united Arab emirates Arabian gulf and the gulf of Oman are coastline emirates.
A speech in Abu Dhabi, capital of the United Arab Emirates, was touted as the keynote of his seven-country tour.
Subsequent cables showed that the United Arab Emirates blocked the transfer of the Siemens computers across the Strait of Hormuz to Bandar Abbas, a major Iranian port.
Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates bought about half of the weapons sold to Middle Eastern countries.
阿拉伯联合酋长国(阿拉伯语:امارات عربية متحدة,英语:The United Arab Emirates),简称“阿联酋”,又译作“阿拉伯联合大公国” ,位于阿拉伯半岛东部,北濒波斯湾,西北与卡塔尔为邻,西和南与沙特阿拉伯交界,东和东北与阿曼毗连海岸线长734公里,总面积83600平方公里,首都阿布扎比,本地居民多为阿拉伯人,大多信奉伊斯兰教。 公元7世纪,阿联酋隶属阿拉伯帝国。19世纪初,逐步沦为英国的保护国。1971年3月1日,英国宣布同各酋长国签订的条约于年底终止,同年12月2日,宣告成立,由阿布扎比、迪拜、沙迦、富查伊拉、乌姆盖万和阿治曼6个酋长国组成联邦国家。1972年2月10日,哈伊马角加入联邦。2015年10月28日,阿联酋获选联合国人权理事会成员,任期自2016年至2018年。2017年12月5日,列入避税天堂黑名单。 阿联酋石油和天然气资源非常丰富,是一个以产油著称的西亚沙漠国家,素有“沙漠中的花朵”的美称。 2024年1月1日,阿联酋成为金砖国家正式成员。