a large natural stream of water flowing in a channel to the sea, a lake, or another such stream
a large quantity of a flowing substance
great rivers of molten lava 熔岩巨流
figurative 〈喻〉the trickle of disclosures has grown into a river of revelations .点点滴滴地透露的情况已经汇成了一股大曝光的巨流。
used in names of animals and plants living in or associated with rivers, e.g.
[用 于生长在河里或与河流相关的动物和植物的名称中,如river dolphin, river birch] 河。
sell someone down the river informal betray someone, especially so as to benefit oneself 〈非正式〉 (尤指为使自己得益而)出卖某人;背叛某人;欺骗某人 -
[ORIGIN earlier referring to the sale of a troublesome slave to the owner of a sugar-cane plantation on the lower Mississippi, where conditions were relatively harsher.]
up the river informal, chiefly N .Amer . to or in prison 〈非正式,主北美〉 进监狱,坐牢 -
[ORIGIN with allusion to Sing Sing prison, situated up the Hudson River from the city of New York.]
"Middle English: from Anglo-Norman French, based on Latin