[mass noun]the equipment required for a task or sport
fishing tackle .钓鱼用具。
〈英, 粗俚〉 男性外生殖器。
a mechanism consisting of ropes, pulley blocks, hooks, or other things for lifting heavy objects
the running rigging and pulleys used to work a boat's sails
【英 足,曲棍球】 阻截铲球。
【美 橄,英橄】 (阻截时的)擒抱摔倒。
【美橄】 (攻方,守方的)阻截队员。
make determined efforts to deal with (a problem or difficult task)
police have launched an initiative to tackle rising crime .警方主动出击对付日益严重的犯罪问题。
initiate discussion with (someone) about a disputed or sensitive issue
a young man tackled him over why the council had spent money on a swimming pool .一个年轻人就委员会为什么要花钱建一个游泳池的问题与他进行了交涉。
【主英足,主曲棍球】 阻截(对方球员)得球。
【美橄,英橄】 阻截时擒抱并摔倒(对方持球队员)。
"Middle English (denoting equipment for a specific task): probably from Middle Low German