A new type of user is emerging, who seems to accept to become his own travel agent and to build his travel package.
Research Before You Act - Whether you're comparing travel package and a la carte prices for a vacation or looking up a company to see if it's legitimate, research is almost always worth your time.
While many like to join package tours for convenience, I prefer to travel on my own.
No. 1 is quite simply the growth in mobility, with cheap air travel and package vacations enabling people to swim, snorkel, surf or dive in places that previously had no human presence.
首当其冲的就是人口流动增多。 拜廉价航空旅行所赐,过去荒无人烟的地区,现在挤满了度假的背包客,他们或游泳或浮潜,或冲浪或跳水,不亦乐乎。
A Dutch travel agent is offering a holiday package with a difference-a night in a cardboard box on a Paris street.