时间: 2024-02-04 23:42:16
英 [ˈstɪpjəˌleɪts]
美 [ˈstɪpjəˌleɪts]

v. 规定;保证;(stipulate的第三人称单数)

n. 规定;明确要求;(stipulate的复数)

  • Intention 4 stipulates that open source software be transparent, available as source code for no fee.

    意图 4 规定,开放源码软件是透明的,可以作为源代码免费获得。

  • This time Contract Law stipulates right of subrogation, but overlooks the procedural mechanism-proceedings for right of subrogation.


  • It conveys and prescribes the value trends of society and ideal goals, directs the development of society, stipulates the development goals, and adjusts all social aspects of good and its rationality.


  • Instructional practice is the ontological precondition of instructional understanding, because it stipulates the rational-foundation for why significance is itself and why exists.


  • It stipulates in detail the formation and the functions of shareholder meetings.


  • A basic human rights that proper standard of living right stipulates as the international human rights convention, have abundant intention and its own particularity.


  • The agreement also stipulates the establishment of a joint committee for cooperation, whose responsibility is to implement this agreement and other agreements or protocols signed based on this.


  • It governs the organization and operation of the Olympic Movement and stipulates the conditions for the celebration of the Olympic Games.


  • Study the problem of historical materialism, clearly stipulates that it is the study of the general laws of social development.


  • Almost every country stipulates perjury in its criminal law in the world, some countries even stipulate it as felony(for example, America).


  • The operating risk increasingly attracts the scholars attention, and new Basel accord stipulates operating risk as one of three risks of banks.


  • "Law of contract" in the 286~(th) substantively stipulates the construction project priority , but this stipulation doesn t nail down the quality of this right.


  • Banks will not accept transport documents bearing such clauses or notations unless the Credit expressly stipulates the clauses or notations which may be accepted.


  • Yet it's unclear whether the signed deal stipulates this, says Henry Sokolski, who serves on the US Congress's anti-proliferation commission.


  • This system stipulates the direction of the agricultural development aftertime which makes us have a thoroughly different developing way from the west.


  • Your Letter of Credit stipulates 60 days sight, whereas our contract shows 30 days sight. So you are requested to make necessary amendment and advise us before March 20.


  • The Food Safety Law stipulates to establish the national food safety risk surveillance system and monitor the food borne diseases, food contaminations and harmful factors in food.


  • China Real Estate Regulation stipulates that if conditions permitted, market comparison approach must be employed in evaluating both land and real estate.


  • The law stipulates essential conditions and legal procedures for setting up corporations and reorganize current state-owned enterprises into corporations.


  • Even today, many scholars still visit this old library for study. The library stipulates that only books printed after 1900 can be borrowed.


  • Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises stipulates definitely that accounting business should be followed the needs of conservatism principles, and discloses those possible losses and cost fully.


  • The draft law, which is now under deliberation, stipulates for the first time that victims of criminal cases or victims' relatives are entitled to mental damage compensation from the accused.


  • Legal delivery of commodity housing should be completion approval sets up a file proves in terms of the correlation stipulates.


  • I know what the will stipulates. What I want to know is if this letter... If this boy changes anything! There's not much resemblance.



  • Well, the will stipulates that if after a period of two years from the date of death no heir appears, Gusteau's business interests will pass to his sous chef. You.




hard at it 忙得不可开交

cratered adj. 多坑的;有坑洞的。vt. 毁坏;取消;在…上形成坑;(crater的过去式和过去分词)。vi. 形成坑;消亡;(crater的过去式和过去分词)

trinity n. 基督教三位一体;三位一体;三合一;三件套;三人组合;三位一体状态

contact support 端钮支架

alarm n. 恐慌;警戒;警报;闹钟;警报器;警报声。v. 使…感到惊恐;设有警报器的

load bearing 承载;承重;符合承载

aluminum n. 铝

recited vt. 叙述;背诵;列举;(recite的过去式和过去分词)。vi. 背诵;(recite的过去式和过去分词)

defiled n. 狭谷;隘路。vt. 弄脏;污损;(defile的过去式和过去分词)。vi. 以纵队前进;(defile的过去式和过去分词)

report card n. 学生成绩报告单;表现鉴定