[with obj.]stop, close up, or obstruct (an opening, orifice, or passage)
thick make-up can occlude the pores .浓妆艳抹会阻塞毛孔。
shut (something) in
they were occluding the waterfront with a wall of buildings .他们正在大兴土木把滨水区团团围住。
〈技〉 遮盖(一只眼睛)使看不见
it is placed at eye level with one eye occluded .把它放在齐目高度并遮住一只眼睛。
【化】 (固体)吸收,吸留(气体,杂质)。
[no obj.](of a tooth)come into contact with another tooth in the opposite jaw
"late 16th cent.: from Latin