white collar crime
时间: 2023-12-15 22:00:46


  • Example: Mild penalties, poor enforcement and the difficulties of identifying illegal actions have contributed to the growth of white collar crime in recent years.


  • You can file an online report with the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)—a partnership between the FBI, the National White Collar Crime Center, and the Bureau of Justice Assistance.

    你可以向互联网犯罪投诉中心( IC3 )举报,它与美国联邦调查局,国家白领犯罪中心及司法援助局是合伙关系。

  • He is a white collar crime specialist and has represented leading corporations and individuals in matters concerning economic criminal law, money laundering, industrial accidents and anti-corruption.

    他是白领阶层犯罪的专家,曾代理过涉及一些大公司以及个人经济 犯罪 ,洗钱,工伤事故以及反欺诈的案子。

  • Yet their country is as shockingly slow as many in Latin Americawhen it comes to dealing with allegations of corruption and white-collar crime,as a rash of recent cases demonstrates.

    但如同近来涌出的案例所展示的, 他们的国家在处理贪污和白领犯罪(一般社会里较高层的人的犯罪, 大多牵扯到贿络及内部交易等)的时候, 反应就像很多拉丁美洲国家一样, 惊人的迟钝.

  • One of several measures pushed through that make it exceptionally hard to secure a conclusive conviction for any white-collar crime in Italy.

    这句我和lz的理解有较大差异,或者说相反。exceptionally hard是说异乎寻常地难吧,就是说那些措施使确保白领犯罪最终被定罪变得异常困难。



as it were 也许可以这么说;在某种程度上

my favourite singer 我最喜欢的歌手

financial planning 财务规划;财政规划;金融策划

schmitt adj. (双稳态电路等)施密特的;[电子](双稳态电路等)施密特的

acquiescing vi. 默许;勉强同意;(acquiesce的现在分词形式)

have a collection of 有一批

things fall apart 事情变得支离破碎

besmirches v. 诋毁;玷污;弄脏;使褪色;(besmirch的第三人称单数)

flash into 闪现

corny adj. 陈腐的;老套的;感伤的