【数】 斯托克斯定理。
"late 19th cent.: named after Sir G.
Now, let's instead try to use Stokes' theorem to do the calculation.
Then you wouldn't be able to Stokes' theorem at all or at least not directly.
Well, it turns out we can do the same thing in space and that is called Stokes' theorem. What does Stokes' theorem say?
Green's theorem and applications, triple integrals, line and surface integrals in space, Divergence theorem, Stokes' theorem; applications.
If we apply Stokes' theorem to compute the work done by the electric field around a closed curve, that means you have a wire in there and you want to find the voltage along the wire.
斯托克斯定理(英文:Stokes' theorem)是微分几何中关于微分形式的积分的定理,因为维数跟空间的不同而有不同的表现形式,它的一般形式包含了向量分析的几个定理,以斯托克斯爵士命名。
【数】 斯托克斯定理。
"late 19th cent.: named after Sir G.