science citation index
时间: 2024-03-24 22:34:16
英 [ˈsʌɪəns sʌɪˈteɪʃ(ə)n ˈɪndɛks]
美 [ˈsaɪəns saɪˈteɪʃ(ə)n ˈɪnˌdɛks]


  • The article discussed the searching methods of Science Citation Index Database.


  • This was all made possible by the work of Eugene Garfield and his Science Citation Index.


  • Social Science Citation Index: This index lists journals in the field of social science, such as psychology and sociology.


  • This paper introduces Science Citation Index(SCI), its structure and feature. The paper also discusses its role and significance.


  • In this article, author introduces the goals, significance and functions of Chinese Social Science Citation Index(CSSCI). And also describes its structure and flow direction of data.


  • This paper introduced SCI (Science Citation Index)and its source Periodicals of agronomy and some points for attention of submitting papers and searching.


  • The original printed editions of the Science Citation Index, and since 1980 the CDROM versions of SCI, were increasingly used and taught in Chinese schools of library and information science.


  • Many people will read the Abstract, either in the original journal or in The Engineering Index, Science Citation Index, or one of the other secondary publications.


  • From this simple exercise, we learned that initially a core group of large and highly cited journals needed to be covered in the new Science Citation Index (SCI).


  • SCI-Science Citation Index, ISTP-Index to Scientific and Technical Proceedings, EI-Engineering Index.


  • Out of the work on the Science Citation Index (SCI) has come the field of scientometrics and the ability to quantify the impact of specific papers or journals.

    我在科学引文索引(Science Citation Index)方面的工作逐渐延伸到科学计量学领域,而且具备将特定论文或期刊的影响力进行量化的能力。

  • With support from the National Institutes of Health, the experimental Genetics Citation Index was published, and that led to the 1961 publication of the Science Citation Index.


  • Chinese Social Science Citation Index (CSSCI) is an important tool for the evaluation of productive force of social sciences.


  • The research achievement have been published in the International Journal. A number of papers included in SCI (science citation index) and EI (engineering Index).


  • The paper discusses five Chinese Databases, analysizestheir strong points and shortage in detail and simply describes "Chinese Social Science Citation Index"which…



partial success 部分成功

drunkenness n. 酒醉;醉态

chest n. 胸膛;箱;资金;上身;小箱子;金库;钱库;公款。v. 以胸部推

singlets pl-n. 汗衫;背心;单(谱)线;零自旋(核)能极;单态;(singlet的复数)

expect to do sth 期望做某事

Chicago Board of Trade n. 芝加哥期货交易所

discounting v. 打折扣;对(可能性;事实;人)不全信;对…不予考虑;贴现;降低(产品或服务的)价格;(discount的现在分词)

way of life 典型的行为方式

root ball n. 根团

built adj. 建造;具有…体格的