a plant with bell-shaped flowers that are typically blue, purple, or white, many kinds being cultivated as ornamentals
n. 钟形花植物
Dear, it's me, your roseate bellflower. Rooting.
Objective To evaluate the pollination characteristic on Chinese bellflower.
And everyone Bellflower is to protect and purify the soul jade and spend four spirits power.
Bellflower of Europe and Asia and north Africa having bluish flowers and an edible tuberous root used with the leaves in salad.
The six boys and two girls were delivered within five minutes of each other yesterday at the Kaiser Permanente Bellflower Medical Centre in Los Angeles.
这八个孩子,六男二女,昨天在位于洛杉矶的Kaiser Permanente下属风铃草医疗中心于五分钟内被一个个接生。
风铃草(学名:Campanula medium L.)别名挂钟草、帽筒花,桔梗科风铃草属植物,是春末夏初小庭园中常见的草本花卉。 风铃草株形粗壮,花朵钟状似风铃,花色明丽素雅。风铃草喜夏季凉爽、冬季温和的气候,喜肥沃而排水良好的壤土,分布几乎全在北温带,多数种类产于欧亚大陆北部,少数在北美。本种生长繁茂,花大色艳,娴静柔美;为著名的庭园植物,世界各地广为种植,最适于配植花园、庭院等处,也可片植园路边、水岸边、林缘等处造景,或用于花境与其他观花植物配植,也可用于岩石花园点缀。 风铃草的花语是温柔的爱。
a plant with bell-shaped flowers that are typically blue, purple, or white, many kinds being cultivated as ornamentals