Generally, the right place to be if you want to end up a fossil is wherever sediment is actively being deposited, like a lake or an ocean floor. A mountaintop or prairie? Not good!
They spend hours feeding on the ocean floor.
An air bubble ascending from the ocean floor contorts and twists into a semicircle as a wave breaks in the background.
An air bubble ascending from the ocean floor contorts and twists into a semicircle as a wave breaks in the background.
Shifting sand of the ocean floor helps the sculptures evolve over time.
In the 1960s and 1970s, the idea of mining the ocean floor was all the rage.
洋底:洋底是大洋的主体,占海洋总面积80%左右。洋底的起伏形态与陆地一样,十分复杂,但分布很有规律。在各大洋的中部,都有一条高峻脊岭,它彼此相接,全长约八万公里,贯通四大洋,统称大洋中脊。最为壮观的大西洋中脊宽达1,500~2,000公里,约占大西洋面积的三分之一,相对高度约1,000~3,000米,巍然耸立于洋底之上,呈“S”形,南北延伸。大洋中脊也是火山活动带,有火山露出水面就成为岛屿,太平洋中部就有很多这样的火山岛。大洋中脊的两侧,便是广阔的大洋盆地,海深一般有4,000~5,000米,这里分布有海岭、海峰、海台、海底高原,它们将整个大洋盆地分割成若干个海盆。海盆底部特别平坦,称为深水平原,在大洋盆地中分布面积最广。 洋底是水深一般超过3000M的大洋底部,全球洋底平均深达3800M,面积约2.81E+10平方千米。洋底的地壳厚度很薄,一般仅为5至10千米。洋壳是玄武岩质的,洋壳表面覆盖着薄层深海沉积物,一般只有几百米。