a form of agriculture, used especially in tropical Africa, in which an area of ground is cleared of vegetation and cultivated for a few years and then abandoned for a new area until its fertility has been naturally restored
n. 轮垦
Shifting cultivation is a common type of farming in many tropical countries.
As in most central African countries, Congo's deforestation is currently minor, caused largely by small-scale shifting cultivation and over-harvesting of wood for fuel.
Shifting from quantity orientation to quality orientation is the world trend for apple cultivation.
科技名词定义\n中文名称:迁移农业\n英文名称:shifting agriculture\n定义:一种原始落后的农业生产方式,迁移农民通过烧荒种植,粗放经营以获取农产品,待地力耗尽则放弃耕作,再继续垦荒。\n应用学科:地理学(一级学科);经济地理学(二级学科)\n迁移农业(shifting cultivation),是一种古老的比较原始的农业生产方式。这种耕作方式没有固定的农田,农民先把地上的树木全部砍倒,对一些大树有时先割去一圈树皮,让它枯死,然后再砍倒。已经枯死或风干的树木被火焚烧后,农民就在林中清出一片土地,用掘土的棍或锄,挖出一个个小坑,投入几粒种子,再用土埋上,靠自然肥力获得粮食。当这片土地的肥力减退时,就放弃它,再去开发一片,所以称为迁移农业。靠自然肥力获得粮食。当这片土地的肥力减退时,就放弃它,再去开发一片,所以称为迁移农业。
a form of agriculture, used especially in tropical Africa, in which an area of ground is cleared of vegetation and cultivated for a few years and then abandoned for a new area until its fertility has been naturally restored