The first time through, it won't catch all the errors.
You can also add a catch all element to deal with any faults that are not caught by any catch element.
您还可以添加一个 catch all 元素来处理所有捕获 catch 都未捕获到的任何错误。
It is still advisable that you catch all exceptions and handle them appropriately, as shown in the following code.
The GTK + team pays great attention to keeping GTK + backward-compatible, but it is simply impossible to catch all bugs.
尽管GTK +小组非常注意保持GTK +的向后兼容性,但是要捕获所有的bug是不太可能的。
First, I take the range of numbers from 1 to the target number's square root plus 1 (to make sure I catch all the factors).
首先,获取数的范围是从 1 到目标数的平方根加 1(确保能取到所有因子)。