There is no public file library, but files may not be considered private as the file name may be guessed.
You'll be using Apache to provide anonymous access to the public file storage areas that will be set up later.
Customers who have posted this firmware on public file sharing servers should stop distributing this firmware immediately.
This example assumes that your element list file is named filename.dtd and resides on your computer (SYSTEM versus public if pointing to a public file location).
这个例子假设元素列表文件的名称是filename . dtd,并且位于您的计算机上(如果指向公共文件位置,则SYSTEM和PUBLIC是相对的)。
Companies are unlikely to file many more patents for human DNA molecules-most are already patented or in the public domain.
公司不太可能再为人类 DNA申请更多的专利——大多数要么已经被其他公司申请了专利,要么处于公共领域。