Spain is a constitutional monarchy in which the royals have only ceremonial functions.
On the other hand, the feudality of territorial states determined it was doomed to be replaced by constitutional monarchy.
During the Reform in the last years of the Qing Dynasty, the emperor wanted to implement the constitutional monarchy system but eventually failed.
清末的那次维新变法, 皇帝曾经想要实施君主立宪制度, 但终于没能成功。
As the earliest constitutional mode in the world , British parliamentary constitutional monarchy has great impact in the world.
His political ideal was to rebuild the calamity-ridden China into an economic and military power which could compete with imperialist powers through constitutional monarchy.
Belgium is a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy that evolved after World War II from a unitary state to a federal state.
The political history is a mess of coups and intrigues and the Kingdom is now described as a constitutional monarchy with a king as figurehead.
French revolutionist. AS a member of the States - General(1789 - 1791)he attempted to create a constitutional monarchy.
The polity of England in the early years of the modern times underwent a process of evolution from absolute monarchy to transitional monarchy and finally to constitutional monarchy.
Its political system is constitutional monarchy.
Will Bahrain’s Protesters Still Accept a Constitutional Monarchy?
This is despite the fact that it has adopted 17 constitutions and suffered umpteen coups in its 76-year history as a constitutional monarchy.
As the backbone of the Constitutional Monarchy Group, Yang Du held systematic views on the problems in the late Qing dynasty.
Ten years ago this month, he held a referendum on the National Action Charter, a document that pledged to restore the constitutional monarchy and parliament.
君主立宪制(英语:Constitutional monarchy),是相对于君主专制的一种国家体制,是在保留君主制的前提下,通过立宪,树立人民主权、限制君主权力、实现事务上的共和主义理想但不采用共和政体。可分为二元制君主立宪制、议会制君主立宪制。英国的“光荣革命”为君主立宪制国家开启了先例。 君主虽然是国家元首(head of state),但君主的产生方式与权力范围,会依各个国家的制度而不同;纵使是同一个国家,在不同时期君主的产生方式与权力范围也各不相同。君主立宪制与一个国家的国情和文化传统有着密切关系,它具有一定的进步性,同时也有一定的妥协性,局限性。英国在革命后通过《权利法案》首先确定。