It can be expected that, without government regulation, house price may also drop down to a reasonable level but Chinese society does not have the patience to undergo this process.
They have also increased understanding of the informal economy, which puts much of the business activity in developing countries beyond the reach of government regulation and revenues.
Therefore, how to keep balance between government regulation and free market so that finance operates both efficiently and safely became the focus of the research in the field of finance.
Government regulation and market innovation are twins, are not conducive to either the overall economy is too strong, so game balance of the game will continue.
The authorities should properly use both government regulation and market forces to addressing this problem.
Lessing is owned by the American School in Switzerland International Education Development Foundation, a Swiss government regulation of all non-profit organization.
We should combine the two to explore a reasonable range of government regulation and effectiveness using cost-benefit analysis model.
In addition, more and more government regulation of the Internet and networks, as well as regulatory provisions concerning data privacy, mean security is no longer optional for most organizations.
Since the Internet was privatized, it has grown by leaps and bounds into a remarkably successful communications medium without government regulation—and most want it to stay that way.
A final reason for (wary) optimism: there is cross-party agreement on the perils of government regulation of the press.
The bottom line for me: The case is fairly strong that government regulation was one of the major sources of the financial crisis.
So far, fast-food firms have nimbly avoided government regulation.
According to the government regulation, a franchiser must register the franchise with the governing registration agency within 15 days.
The company had been dumping their waste into the sea, in defiance of government regulation.