identify (someone or something) from having encountered them before; know again
I recognized her when her wig fell off 她的假发掉下来时我认出了她
Julia hardly recognized Jill when they met.
identify from knowledge of appearance or character
Pat is very good at recognizing wild flowers .帕特很善于识别野花。
(of a computer or other machine)automatically identify and respond correctly to (a sound, printed character, etc.)
acknowledge the existence, validity, or legality of
the defence is recognized in British law 这一辩护得到英国法律的认可
he was
recognized as an international authority 他被公认为国际权威
[with clause]
it is important to recognize that a variety of indirect forms of discrimination operate .歧视的多种间接形式在起作用,认识到这一点很重要。
officially regard (a qualification) as valid or proper
these qualifications are recognized by the Department of Education 这些证书得到教育部的认可
[as adj.
recognized ]courses that lead to recognized qualifications 为获得认可的证书而必修的课程。
grant diplomatic recognition to (a country or government)
show official appreciation of: reward formally
his work was recognized by an honorary degree from Glasgow University .他被格拉斯哥大学授予名誉学位以嘉奖其工作成绩。
(of a person presiding at a meeting or debate)call on (someone) to speak
(会议或辩论主席)邀请… 发言。
recognize + sb/sth 认出…; 认识到…
be recognized as sth 被认为是...
"late Middle English (earliest attested as a term in Scots law): from Old French