It was a strategy for creating a stable society.
Agriculture is an essential industry of a stable society.
Perfect Social Sincerity Mechanism Construct Harmonious Stable Society;
If you want a stable society you cannot avoid difficulties or people's concerns.
When living in a stable society, the people will devote themselves to improving their living standards.
In a stable society, organization of economic compensation effectively the functions of the role of insurance agents.
Increased schooling created a more stable society, less prone to the conflicts that have raged elsewhere in Central America.
The early and middle periods of Tang Dynasty witnessed enlightened politics, a flourishing economy and a stable society.
The reason why Bill Gates is able to make so much money is because we live in an economically and socially stable society.
The Social Contract presents the principles of political right for a just and workable, stable society, there is not much leeway.
卢梭并不是在鼓吹回到自然状态,这也是不可能的; 他只是提出我们应该并且能够建立起一个公正且稳定的社会。
Abundant agriculture is the basis of jail foundation, while national security needing wealthy farmers and stable society needing stable country.
We like to think of ourselves as an advanced, stable society where people work together and help one another, not some backward, third world country.
Frequency rectify the official, stable society, made official position relief victims, employed villagers to clear the six weirs, cited by oxbow pour field.
Professional ethics of university teachers have an important effect on quality of higher education, and what 's more, ethics will make a far-reaching impact on a harmonious and stable society.
The idea that a well-schooled society is a prosperous and stable society, and therefore that educating the people is a desirable goal for a nation, dates back at least to Confucius, 2,500 years ago.
The idea that a well-schooled society is a prosperous and stable society, and therefore that educating the people is a desirable goal for a nation, dates back at least to Confucius, 2, 500 years ago.
A stable job with a steady income offers one a sense of security, especially in today's highly competitive society.
If we have stable families, society will see we are safe, that we are mainstream, " said the 24-year-old student, who asked that only her English nickname be used.
And, whatever happens to nature, it is our own highly complex interconnected society, built on a lucky period of stable climate during a tiny sliver of planetary time, that looks most at risk.
Yet the curious thing is that European society-at least in the Nordic countries-is far less stable than America's.