The path is an easy climb.
Choose sound rock - There is seldom a perfect placement and choosing sound rock is not as easy as it first appears especially when leading a climb.
选择稳固的岩块- 要先峰攀登时,很难有完美的放置点,而挑选稳定的岩块不像第一次看起来那样简单。
Be ordinary people are also not easy, let alone climb into a player?Height ------ what is a difficult time It goes without language!
Nice and easy as we climb up the side body, climb up the spine. On your next exhale, release the fingertips down.
Behind the quarries there is a steep not so easy to climb which was a natural defence from this side.
采石场后面是一个悬崖,很难攀爬。 在这面形成了一个天然的屏障。
It is not easy to climb a bluff mountain.
If crosswords are too easy and Sudoku a touch boring, why not go and climb a tree?
It is easy to climb to heaven than take the Sichuan Road.
The garden was enclosed by a tolerably low white wall, easy to climb.
园的四周绕着一道白围墙,相当低, 容易越过.