most famous
时间: 2023-10-25 22:48:06
  • They finished off the show with one of their most famous songs.


  • Then he began his most famous work, the conservation and rebinding of the Book of Kells.


  • The three most famous kites are the Beijing kite, Tianjin kite and Weifang kite.


  • You may have played with his most famous invention the Super Soaker, a kind of water gun.


  • Her most famous adventure was taking part in the hunt for famous adventurer Roald Amundsen.


  • In fact, it's one of the most famous pieces of research about infant emotion ever published.


  • It was during this time that he wrote his most famous books War and Peace and Anna Karenina.


  • No visit to Paris is complete without a trip to the Louvre, one of the largest and most famous museums in the world.


  • To help quantify the costs of a poor diet, I recently tried to estimate this impact in terms of a most famous food, the burger.


  • The Tower Bridge was set up over the River Thames in London in 1894 and is one of the finest and most famous bridges in the world.


  • He talks about a ship's voyage and this is one of the most famous bits of the essay—how the best voyage is made up of zigzag lines.


  • German Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck may be most famous for his military and diplomatic talent, but his legacy includes many of today's social insurance programs.


  • Many of the most famous examples of explorers said to have been "lone travellers"—say, Mungo Park or David Livingstone in Africa—were anything but "alone" on their travels.

    许多被说成是“孤独的旅客”的最著名的探险家——比如在非洲旅行的 Mungo Park 或 David Livingstone——途中根本不孤独。

  • He dresses many of Hollywood's most famous young stars.


  • They had come to the world's most famous pick-up joint.


  • The lion is perhaps the most famous member of the cat family.


  • In a few hours' time one of the world's most famous boxers will be fighting here for the first time.


  • Sushi is the most famous food in Japan.


  • We ate the most famous Xiangyang Beef Noodles.


  • It's one of the museum's most famous attractions.


  • Just across the bridge at Luna Park, you'll find Sydney's most famous smile.


    《10 Cities Vacation Travel Guide》《10大名城旅游攻略》

  • With over 35,000 artworks, her most famous residents are the Mona Lisa and the Venus de Milo.

    馆中珍藏超过 35,000件艺术品,其中最为人熟知的就是蒙娜丽莎和米罗的维纳斯像。

    《10 Cities Vacation Travel Guide》《10大名城旅游攻略》

  • Oh, blimey! One of England's most famous myths has become a reality. As a new king has been crowned.



  • Buckingham Palace, perhaps the most famous palace in the world, is the official residence of Queen Elizabeth.


    《10 Cities Vacation Travel Guide》《10大名城旅游攻略》

  • Okay. So our cover will probably be the most famous ever because it really will have the big quintessence of all time. Very full and so rich.

    好了,这期可能将是我们最热卖的一期,因为它是生命"本质"。意思是 "非常的饱满,非常的丰富"!?

    《The Secret Life of Walter Mitty》《白日梦想家》

  • Let's see. Oh, this person is most famous for never having gotten his nose mutilated with elective surgery and never living the rest of his life in the shadows as a hideous, disfigured freak.


    《The Big Bang Theory Season 8》《生活大爆炸 第八季》

  • Hyde Park is perhaps the most famous with its man-made lake, The Serpentine, and on the other side, Kensington Gardens is a beautiful open expanse that stretches east towards Kensington Palace.

    海德公园也许是因为其人工湖 The Serpentine 而闻名,在另一边,肯辛顿花园是一个美丽而广阔的休憩地点,并延绵向东通往肯辛顿宫。

    《10 Cities Vacation Travel Guide》《10大名城旅游攻略》


proactivity n. 积极主动性

in return 作为报答/交换

academicism n. 墨守成规;因袭主义

happy wedding 新婚快乐;新婚幸福;快乐的婚礼

vowel shift n. 元音转移;主要元音转移

revoke license 吊销许可证

graphical adj. 图示的;视觉艺术的

benders n. 弯管机;弯曲机;(bender的复数)

physical abuse 肢体虐待;身体伤害

live for 把…看作是自己一生的事业;为…活着