tear through
时间: 2023-09-17 00:28:01


  • Bombs tear through 17 Iraqi cities, 63 killed.


  • You madly tear through your stuff looking for that one missing item.


  • Whatever spells his enemies had cast around the Soul, he would tear through them.


  • With enough power, you can even summon a tornado to tear through your enemy's ranks.


  • Before the night was out, the flames would tear through the Beverly Hills, led by a roiling advance of smoke.


  • It will shatter every barrier, sunder any shield, tear through any enchantment, and lend its servant the power to pass sentence.


  • Known as OB runaways, these massive stars tear through space at surprisingly high speed-sometimes hundreds of kilometers per second.

    这些被叫做O B速逃星的巨大的恒星在以极高的速度(有时达上百千米每秒)在太空中穿行。

  • All cars are equipped with special studded tyres that tear through the surface snow to bite into the thick layer of ice beneath to provide grip.


  • In this manner I'm able to tear through books at a rate I simply couldn't before, because I never carried around all of the books I was currently reading.


  • These maneuverable computer-guided craft tear through enemy flight formations and relentlessly strafe slower ground targets with potent plasma charges.


  • Sometimes they would lob rocks over the high fence around the hothouse, and occasionally they would tear through the overhead net and he'd have to replace panes.


  • Farmer Rod Thomas saw flames more than 11 meters high tear through his cattle ranch near the town of Yea, destroying about 80 percent of the land and many buildings.

    农场主rod Thomas看见了超过11米高的火舌在他yea城镇附近的家畜农场里疯狂地肆虐着。毁灭着超过大约80%的土地,还有许多建筑。

  • He lives to hear the shriek of metal on metal as his swords tear through Autobot armor, and the sparking sizzle of shorting electronics as wires and conduits are severed.


  • I peered through a tear in the van's curtains.


  • Smoke and tear gas floated through the old city as its maze of cobbled lanes rang to the sounds of exploding firecrackers and ambulance sirens.


  • Between those verses of wear and tear, I am seeking the powers of love and forgiveness through which I wish to release the rage and hatred of migrants.


  • Palestinian residents described how on June 27th police charged through Silwan's narrow thoroughfares firing tear-gas grenades through Windows and doors, choking people inside their homes.


  • First it will pass through sharp metal bars which will tear open the plastic bags in which rubbish is usually packed.

    句子主干是it will pass through sharp metal bars。 第一个which引导的定语从句修饰的是sharp metal bars。

  • At one stop our driver was pushed into the passenger seat when a can of tear gas was shoved through his window while the drunken officer shouted threats of arrest.


  • After substantial wear and tear on a hacksaw, our man finally through the strong steel cable.



replacer n. 替代者;复原者;置换器;装卡工具

innocent victim 无辜受害者

institute n. 学会;协会;机构;注释;论述;概要。v. 实行;建立;设立;任命;授予…职位;开始

reston 赖斯顿

be applicable to 适用于;适应于;可应用于

point mutation n. 基因点突变

descender n. 下伸部分;下伸字母

make an issue of 小题大做;夸大其事

vua vua

plagiarizes 抄袭