breaking the ice
时间: 2024-06-25 23:48:18


  • That sort of approach should go a long way toward breaking the ice.


  • Breaking the ice means saying or doing something to stop feeling shy or uncomfortable around someone you don't know well.


  • The waves were so strong that they forced huge pieces of ice to jump up and down, breaking the ice into smaller pieces within just one hour.


  • Maybe that is her way of breaking the ice.


  • This can be done during the introduction phase as a way of breaking the ice.


  • The first question is often a "breaking the ice" (establish a rapport) type of question.


  • “I’m very thin in this new outfit, ” Mike Beltzner says, breaking the ice in a room of Silicon Valley computer programmers.

    “在这个新装备中我非常瘦。” 在硅谷计算机程序师房间首先发言的迈克·贝尔茨纳说。

  • Breaking the ice with humor isn't necessarily a bad idea, but jokes in cover letters are usually a turn-off for busy employers, say recruiters.


  • In the sunlight, my melody may still sound airy. It is as transparent as crystal, as clear as the cloudless blue sky, and as a silver river breaking the ice.


  • Seam Remoting and Ajax4jsf take distinctly different approaches to breaking the ice between client and browser components, so it's important to know how to leverage each one.

    Seam Remoting和Ajax4jsf对打破客户和浏览器组件的隔阂所采用的方式有所不同,所以很有必要知道如何利用好这二者。

  • Without him, we would never eat our flesh and blood out of house and home. We would have to say good riddance to the green-eyed monster and breaking the ice would be as dead as a doornail.


  • These sounds include the breaking of ice fields, underwater earthquakes, and sounds made by animals themselves.


  • It is building its second ice-breaking ship and setting up research drilling operations on an ice dome 13,422 feet above sea level that is one of the planet's coldest places.


  • The iceberg that eventually calves from the breaking ice shelf will cover around 880 square kilometres, project scientists said.


  • Defrosting ice formed over the sea shatters and crackles like a sheet of breaking glass.


  • The 2007 report predicted a sea level rise of 30cm-60cm by 2100, but did not account for the impact of glaciers breaking into the sea from areas such as the Greenland ice sheet.


  • While Nasa's focus was on how to prevent the insulating foam breaking off, concerns also emerged earlier this year about the build-up of ice on the outside of the fuel tank.


  • We left an audio message saying that we'd found a sea container locked in the ice - and that expedition member Martin was in the process of breaking it open.


  • The sea ice around us is breaking up and the chances of finding a decent runway for the pick up planes was getting increasingly slim.


  • His pantomime conveyed the meaning of Ente very effectively, but at the same time it had a magical ice-breaking effect and made the eating environment much livelier.



『BREAKING THE ICE』是THE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBE于2018年7月18日发行的第六张单曲『HARD HIT』收录的歌曲。

  • Breaking the ice with your colleagues using ethnic humor, the funniest kind of humor.


    《The Big Bang Theory Season 7》《生活大爆炸 第7季》


platoon n. 排;一队;一组;两部制学校;同位替补的。v. 实行两部制

tractate n. 论文

antecede vt. 在...之前;先行;先前

in the fullness of time 到时候;在适当的时候;最终

liars 说谎者

raffled n. 废物;抽彩售货。vt. 抽彩售货;(raffle的过去式和过去分词)。vi. 抽彩;(raffle的过去式和过去分词)

tethers vt. 拘束;(tether的第三人称单数)。n. 拴绳;极限;系链;限度;(tether的复数)

progressive wing 进步的翅膀

move in with 搬来和(现有居住者)同住

physical evidence 实物证据;物理证据;物证