There were many processions and other pompous shows.
Most of the processions have reached the Green Fields by now. A marvelous smell of cooking goes forth from the red and blue tents of the provisioners.
In the streets between houses with red roofs and painted walls, between old moss-grown gardens and under avenues of trees, past great parks and public buildings, processions moved.
There were more songs, more speeches, more processions.
Crowds later joined funeral processions, despite a curfew.
Chariots were used in ancient times for fighting, racing, and in processions.
古时四轮马车常用于打仗 、 马和行进.
Automotive technologies also share part of the blame for problems with processions.
The meshing processions of circular - arc - tooth - trace ( CATT ) cylinder gear were divided into three stages.
本文将线接触圆弧齿线(CATT ) 圆柱齿轮的啮合过程分为三个阶段.
They are the colourful carpets used to coat the streets of Guatemala's cities during their iconic Easter Holy Week processions.
The result of the experiment shows that in noisy environments these processions can im prove the reliability and accuracy of classical pitch extraction method.