a fast-running predatory beetle which has spotted or striped wing cases and flies in sunshine. The larvae live in tunnels from which they snatch passing insect prey.
n. 虎甲科的甲虫
But given the expense of producing and supporting Ph.D.s, the pool of professional taxonomists is unlikely to expand, says tiger beetle specialist David Pearson of Arizona State University in Tempe.
美丽虎纹天牛(学名:Cicindela formosa):体长形,颜色多样;头突出,前口式或下口式;复眼发达,多为肾形,呈上下两叶;触角着生于额突上(触角基瘤),通常11节,少数种类有10、12节等,甚至有达30节,呈丝状或棍棒状;前胸背板多具侧刺突或侧瘤突,盘区隆突或具皱纹;鞘翅多细长,盖住腹部,但一些类群鞘翅短小,腹部大部分裸露;足细长,前足基节窝开放或关闭;腹部通常可见腹板5节,少有6节者。 为植物的钻蛀性害虫,林、果、桑、茶、棉、麻、木器等均可受其为害。
a fast-running predatory beetle which has spotted or striped wing cases and flies in sunshine. The larvae live in tunnels from which they snatch passing insect prey.