a drug prepared from the dried leaves of foxgloves and containing substances (notably digoxin and digitoxin) that stimulate the heart muscle
"late 18th cent.: from the modern Latin genus name of the foxglove, from
n. 洋地黄制剂
The doctor injected the patient with digitalis .
Hand; Injury; Arteria digitalis; Surgical skin flap; Repair.
Lack of an uniform index diagnosis of digitalis intoxication.
METHODS: Pharmacology, clinical usage and ADR of digitalis were analyzed and evaluated.
方法: 从洋地黄类药物的药理作用、 临床应用及其不良反应方面进行分析、评价。
Digitalis was originally purified from fox glove, a flower, and ephedrine from a desert shrub.
词根 digitalis
digitalization n. 数字化;洋地黄疗法;洋地黄丸
digitalize vt. 以洋地黄治疗
毛地黄属,物种为草本植物,茎圆柱形;叶互生,下部的常密集而伸长;花排成顶生、朝向一侧的总状花序;萼5裂;花冠倾斜,冠筒一面膨大成钟形,常在子房以上处收缩,裂片近2唇形,上唇短,微凹缺或2裂,下唇3裂,两侧裂片短而狭,中央的较长而外伸;雄蕊4,2强,内藏,花药成对靠近,药室叉开,顶端汇合;蒴果室间开裂;种子多数,微小,种皮有蜂窝状网纹。约25种,分布于欧洲和亚洲中部和西部,中国引入栽培有毛地黄D. purpurea L. 1种,叶含毛地黄精(Digitaline),为强心剂。 经典植物分类学中将毛地黄属归类于玄参科,但基于近些年的种系发生学的研究,将其归于车前科中。
a drug prepared from the dried leaves of foxgloves and containing substances (notably digoxin and digitoxin) that stimulate the heart muscle
"late 18th cent.: from the modern Latin genus name of the foxglove, from