system summary
时间: 2024-02-28 13:51:10


  • The first part of the article is about a legal expert system summary.


  • In the whole process, my emphasis is clinic requirement analysis, system summary design, report template design and so on.


  • Summary: Is our Sun part of a binary star system?


  • Finally, Figure 7 shows a summary of the two tasks currently set up in this system.


  • The system displays a summary of the transaction for review.


  • When you do not specify a verb, the resource adapter USES the change summary information to change the information system.


  • They contain additional metadata as well as change summary and event summary information that is required by various enterprise information system resource adapters.


  • After this we would model how the system presents the summary information on the reservation, including offers to purchase protection products, etc.


  • You'll need to enter in information about the system type, its attributes, processors, memory, and summary information.


  • The change summary is a snapshot of what changed in the business object since it came out of the information system.

    更改摘要 是业务对象中所更改内容的快照,它由信息系统生成。

  • Log files provide summary information that is critical to seeing how a system or a specific server is behaving.


  • The system prints the enrollment statement "UI89 Enrollment Summary Report."

    系统打印注册报告书 -“UI89 注册摘要报告书”。

  • Summary: This article shows you how to improve the boot speed of your Linux system without compromising usability.


  • The system use case makes references to screens and reports, such as "UI23 Security Login Screen" and "UI89 Enrollment Summary Report."

    系统用例提及屏幕和报告,如“UI23 安全性登录屏幕”和“UI89登记摘要报告”。

  • The summary report is a customized, web browser friendly report that contains a summary of all problems detected during the verification of a system.

    报告是一个定制的、Web 浏览器友好的报告,包含系统验证过程中检测到的所有问题的摘要。

  • File system only approach summary.


  • The system provides them with access to summary medical data on patients, says Mike Jones, vice president and CIO.

    副总裁兼首席信息官 Mike Jones说,该系统为他们提供了病人的概要医疗数据的获取渠道。

  • You need to click the Continue button in order to access a screen with the system status summary.

    您需要点击 Continue按钮,来到系统状态总结屏幕。

  • Once a system verification is done, a Complete icon is shown in the status column for that system, and a brief summary of the verification results are shown in the result column.


  • Once the request has been through the templating system, the output is then returned to the browser. Here's a summary of the process.



replacer n. 替代者;复原者;置换器;装卡工具

innocent victim 无辜受害者

institute n. 学会;协会;机构;注释;论述;概要。v. 实行;建立;设立;任命;授予…职位;开始

reston 赖斯顿

be applicable to 适用于;适应于;可应用于

point mutation n. 基因点突变

descender n. 下伸部分;下伸字母

make an issue of 小题大做;夸大其事

vua vua

plagiarizes 抄袭