burning man festival
时间: 2023-12-16 11:08:28


  • The Burning Man Festival in Black Rock Desert, Nevada, USA.


  • "Is Land" was next slated to appear at the Burning Man festival in Nevada at the end of August.

    预计“Is Land”将再次出现在美国内华达州8月底的火人节上。

  • The first one was done by Brin and Page in 1999 when they left for the 16)Burning Man festival in the Nevada desert.


  • During the Burning Man festival, which is held in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada, USA, participants can be seen as a semi-circle.


  • The type of gathering he wanted to re-create was one similar to the Burning Man Festival I have often cited as a major artistic turning point in my life.

    收集完他想要的、进行再创作后的风格,有点像燃人节,这个节日 作为我人生中一个重要的艺术转折点,我经常提到它。

  • So naturally, Burning Man — a week-long, counter-cultural festival in the heart of Nevada's Black Rock Desert — would be an important stop, right?

    所以自然而然地,在美国内华达州黑岩沙漠举办的为时一周,反传统的狂欢节Burning Man将有必要停止活动,对吗?

  • One of the most amazing feats of Steampunk art and engineering is the Steampunk Tree House, constructed for the Burning Man Arts Festival.


  • They used to be regulars at Burning Man, a festival in the Nevada desert where oddballs display innovative art and mechanical creations.

    两人曾经是Burning Man的常客,这个聚会在内华达的沙漠里举行,主题就是一群搞怪的人展示自己的创意艺术和机械发明。

  • Las Hogueras de San Juan, Alicante, Spain: It's not hard to imagine that Nevada's Burning Man was inspired by the Bonfires of San Juan festival.

    圣胡安节 :不难想象,美国内华达州火人节的灵感来自于圣胡安篝火节。


self awareness 自知;自我意识;自我觉察

hummingbirds 蜂鸟

amethysts n. 紫色;(amethyst的复数)

graze cattle 放牛

tourist destination 旅游目的地;旅游胜地;旅游景点

acrobatics pl-n. 杂技;杂技技艺;杂技表演

fish-blooded 冷血的

homespun adj. 简单的;朴素的;家纺的;家织的;土布的;粗糙织物的。n. 土布;粗糙织物

rejuvenating vt. 使年轻;(rejuvenate的现在分词形式)。vi. 变年轻;复原;(rejuvenate的现在分词)

informants n. 告密者;(informant的复数)