another term for
同<Bold>HORNED TOAD</Bold>(义项 1)。
n. 角蜥
Horned lizard, howl, plant, cactus.
When the horned lizard is approached by a hungry foe, it USES an equally unusual method of self-preservation.
The horned lizard is a seemingly normal looking lizard found in the southwest region of the United States.
角蜥,Phrynosoma coronatum Blainvile,别名冠状角蜥,英文名Horned toad,Horned lizard。 分布于美国、北达加拿大。体长最短的不到7.5厘米,最长的达12.5厘米余。头部具剑形棘刺,状似蟾蜍。身体扁平,呈卵圆形,身体两侧有尖形衬边鳞片。原产北美洲西部。 常为玩赏动物,但圈养后不易久活。列入《濒危野生动植物物种国际贸易公约》附录2而予保护。
another term for
同<Bold>HORNED TOAD</Bold>(义项 1)。