body shot
时间: 2024-09-04 15:59:16


  • Can you take a full-body shot for us?


  • Models must include a fully body shot.


  • As someone who's suffered a rib cartilage injury (from a body shot in sparring almost 15 years ago) I can tell you that it's very painful.


  • Floyd damaged the cartilage of part of his rib cage, presumably from a body shot in sparring, but there were no details given as to the cause of the injury.


  • The sun dipped in the afterglow on rock body shot under cloud blanket, you will see a red, purple, the center part of the color ring like a shiny opal glass.


  • As he directed his fire to engage enemy positions above him, an insurgent shot him through the right side of his upper torso under his right arm; the area not protected by his body armor.


  • The first murder victim, Christina Wilkerson, 28, of Long Beach, was stabbed 20 times in the face, neck and body, and then shot point blank with a.22 rifle.

    第一个被害人是长滩市28岁的Christina Wilkerson,她面部,颈部和身体被刺达20处,然后是口径0.22寸的来福枪的射击。

  • Two men went out to the rock with guns and shot him. His body lay in the river for two days.


  • Nine months on, Mussolini himself was shot. His body was hanged upside down from a hook on the Piazzale Loreto in Milan, where crowds gathered to spit at, kick and even shoot him again.


  • He is pointing towards the slumped body of an enemy fighter his men have just shot dead across the street, one of many in recent weeks.


  • And although I didn’t conquer my goal, I still remember the feeling of joy that shot through my body - not because of the time, but because I knew without question that I gave it my all.

    尽管没有实现自己的目标,我仍然记得那喜悦之情充斥全身的感觉。 不是因为时间,而是因为我知道为了我的目标我不遗余力的努力了。

  • I still remember how he fell when the Americans shot him, and I saw him clawing on the ground in the dust before his soul left his body.


  • Sure. Could you see a wide shot of a female body being dumped in an ocean?


  • Step 1: Box Out When the basketball is shot, you will first want to get close to the basket and put a body on a player by boxing out.


  • A diary later found on the body of Major Adam Solski, shot at Katyn on April 8, records the creeping horror of the victims as they realised the fate that awaited them.

    Major Adam Solski于4月8日在卡廷被杀害后。人们在他身上找到了一本日记。日记记录了当他们意识到自己的命运时受害者们毛骨悚然的恐惧。

  • Mora's mother, Dilcia Mendoza, identified her son's body. He been stripped naked and shot in the face, throat and right arm.

    莫拉的母亲Dilcia Mendoza确认了儿子的尸体,他被剥光衣服,中弹部位是脸部、咽喉和右胳膊。

  • Schels agrees: "We'd come back here in the evening, after a day when we'd maybe been to a funeral and shot pictures of a dead body, and we'd sit here crying and drinking whisky and wine."


  • It ended tragically in 1963 when Phil, on a brief leave from a psychiatric institution, shot himself to death in the family home, leaving Kay to find the body.


  • 'Shot through the heart,' said the policeman after inspecting the body.


  • Will soon lead to severe inflammation of the scales fall off exposing the meat department looks like on the body to open a hole so I shot hole.



inb inb

fois 信息系统

discount store n. 折价商店;廉价商店

move onto phr. 移动到...

thecal 膜的

biopsy n. 活组织检查。v. 对…进行切片检查

punk n. 不中用的人;废物;朋克摇滚乐;干朽木;阿飞;流氓;罪犯;遭鸡奸的男子;娈童;无经验的年轻人。adj. 健康状况差的;身体不好的;朋克摇滚乐及其相关亚文化的

family credit n. 家庭补助

run against 同...竞选;与…相撞;偶然碰见

externalise vt. 使…形象化ˌ外化(= externalize)