move or cause to move rapidly round and round
[no obj.]
leaves whirled in eddies of wind 树叶在风的旋涡中飞转
[with obj.]
I whirled her round the dance hall .我带着她在舞池里翩翩起舞。
move or cause to move rapidly
[no obj., with adverbial of direction]
Sybil stood waving as they whirled past 当他们飞驰而过时,西比尔站着向他们挥手
[with obj. and adverbial of direction]
he was whirled into the bushes .他被甩进了灌木丛。
[no obj.](of the head, mind, or senses)seem to spin round
Kate made her way back to the office, her mind whirling .凯特头脑一片恍惚地走回办公室。
[no obj. with adverbial of direction](of thoughts or mental images)follow each other in bewildering succession
a kaleidoscope of images whirled through her brain .纷繁的影像在她的脑海中接二连三地闪过。
a rapid movement round and round
frantic activity of a specified kind
the event was all part of the mad social whirl .这个事件充其量只是疯狂而纷繁的社交活动的一部分。
[with obj. or noun modifier]a specified kind of sweet or biscuit with a spiral shape
a hazelnut whirl .螺旋形榛子饼干。
give something a whirl informal give something a try 〈非正式〉 尝试,试试看 -
in a whirl in a state of confusion 在混乱中
"Middle English: the verb probably from Old Norse