setting agent
时间: 2024-03-12 02:15:48


  • Uses: Mainly used as decolorizer setting agent and high grade polishing powder for making glass.

    用途: 主要用于玻璃脱色剂、澄清剂,高级抛光粉材料。

  • Uses: Mainly used as decolorizer setting agent and high grade polishing powder for making glass. It is also used in the ceramic, electronic and the catalytic industries etc.

    用途: 主要用于玻璃脱色剂、澄清剂,高级抛光粉材料。还应用于陶瓷、电子、化工催化等工业中。

  • The agent private memory can be increased by moving the instance Shared memory to a higher address by setting the DB2DBMSADDR DB2 registry variable.

    我们可以通过设置DB2DBMSADDR DB 2注册表变量,将实例共享内存移到更高的地址,从而增加代理私有内存。

  • You can use the Agent setting in a transitional mail cluster with mixed versions of Lotus Domino, when at least one of the servers has a Lotus Domino 7.x or earlier release.

    当至少其中一个服务器是Lotus Domino 7 . x或更早版本时,可以在具有混合版本的Lotus Domino的过渡邮件集群中使用Agent设置。

  • The Mobile Device User Agent Keywords setting determines when to display an alternate login screen that is more suitable for narrow-width browsers.

    Mobile Device User Agent Keywords 设置确定何时显示一个更加适合窄屏浏览器的备用登录屏幕。


invidious adj. 可能遭人怨恨的;会惹人愤怒的;招人嫉妒的;厚此薄彼的;不公平的;歧视的

bather n. 游泳者;游泳衣

dials v. 拨号;拨打电话;用标度(盘)测量;(dial的第三人称单数)。n. 表盘;日晷;钟面;拨号盘;刻度盘;转盘;(dial的复数)

supplicated vi. 恳请;哀求;(supplicate的过去式)

remanded v. 送回;(remand的过去分词)。n. 还押

operational definition 运作定义;操作定义

quit one's job 辞职

endorsing vt. 赞同;支持;签署;(endorse的现在分词形式)

unpredictable adj. 无法预测的;不定的;易变的;不可预言的

on the move 在变换地方, 在奔波;在前进, 在发展