It's called Counter Strike. It's a first person shooter game.
I'm talking about video games, games like Counter Strike, Diablo, Smash Brothers or Halo.
In-game voice chat isn't a new concept - I remember using a program called Roger Wilco to play Counter Strike nearly a decade ago.
游戏中的语音聊天不是一个新概念-我记得大概10年前,我使用过一个叫Roger Wilco的程序来玩Counter Strike。
Counter Strike is one of the hottest shoohng games and Might & Magic series are popular among girls because the game has attrachve plot and interesting scenes.
Counter Strike is one of the hottest shooting games and Might & Magic series are popular among girls because the game has attractive plot and interesting scenes.
《反恐精英》(Counter-Strike,简称CS)是一款以团队合作为主的第一人称射击游戏,于1999年作为Valve所开发的游戏《半条命》游戏模组推出,后期变为独立游戏。 在游戏中玩家被分为恐怖分子和反恐精英两队,在地图上进行多回合战斗,完成对应的任务或杀死全部敌人即可获得胜利。