environmental awareness
时间: 2024-03-03 13:10:47
英 [ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentl əˈweənəs]
美 [ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentl əˈwernəs]


  • But there is no united measuring index system of public environmental awareness at present.


  • While coming out from inside the hot air are non-toxic, but you might also provoke a little environmental awareness.


  • Today, environmental awareness and activism are on the rise across the world –proof that Earth Day’s teachings have begun to change all of us, and change the environment we share.


  • What Hill would like to do is transfer the environmental awareness communicated by physical wear into the ecology of objects in an office.


  • Since the strengthening of environmental awareness, tree felling charcoal era is past, and charcoal is the use of plant waste as raw material processing.

    由于环保意识的加强, 伐树烧炭的时代已经成为过去, 而机制炭是利用植物废弃物为原料加工而成。

  • Every day we have to live in this city, Luantu, throw, etc. may seem the details of life, it is a city most direct embodiment of environmental awareness.


  • Our program will educate you on Personal Protection, Environmental Awareness, Home Security and Practical Self Defence Techniques.


  • This leading role of teachers, students explore the ability of environmental awareness of students, chemical and other aspects of life to contact a preliminary exploration.


  • And in the process of community involved in tourism Lugu Lake community residents self-consciousness and national awareness, environmental awareness are being shaped or reshaped.


  • To strength the environmental education in primary and middle schools, the environmental awareness of administrators and teachers should be enhanced and the plans and measures should be made out.


  • He says he believes that instilling fundamental environmental awareness at the grassroots will lead to greater accountability by the authorities.


  • You’re starting to see the emergence of Chinese clean-tech companies — I also visited a solar panel start-up — and real environmental awareness among officials and students.


  • Most importantly, we should increasingly heighten our environmental awareness and make our world a beautiful homeland suitable for us to live in .


  • Environmental awareness was non-existent three decades ago.


  • Our aim is that the activity could raise environmental awareness by public & college students. And we also hope that we can take attracted attention and resonance in our school.


  • Values of living beings can combine the knowledge of bio-diversity value with relevant environmental behavior as a bridge; can promote student's environmental awareness to develop in harmony.


  • Seen from the subject angle, it's more unportant to raise the level of environmental awareness of the group than that of the individual.


  • Our global solutions are delivered with a reassuring level of environmental awareness of the health and safety issues in each sectors and full knowledge of the challenges facing the wider world.


  • It especially requires that the people of the nation should be equipped with sound environmental awareness, good environmental ethnic, and noble environmental ethical behavior.


  • Environmental awareness is an important part of civil quality.


  • All results are filtered and organized from one specific perspective – with the topic of environmental awareness in mind.

    搜索结果全都从某个特定视角进行了过滤和组织 -环境意识主题。

  • The conclusion of the paper is that to increase the income and the environmental awareness is a useful way to increase the public WTP for improving environmental quality.


  • With global warming, climate change, people are cutting down on emissions of rising environmental awareness, the environmental movement has become the common responsibility of global citizenship!


  • Bold green is used as an expression of Longyou's commitment to clean technology standards and environmental awareness.


  • He attributed that to stabilizing human populations as well as a greater environmental awareness that has led to stronger regulations and greater protection of wetlands.

    他认为这要归于稳定的人类群体,以及一个越来越强的环境意识, 因此才产生了更严厉的监管和更好的湿地保护。

  • But at present, most farmers have less environmental knowledge, environmental awareness and environmental sanitation.



mcw abbr. 已调制连续波(Modulated Continuous Waves)

a pig in a poke 瞎买的东西;盲目接受的东西

faint light 微弱的光

tracklayer n. 履带式拖拉机

melted vi. 熔化;溶解。vt. 使融化;使熔化;(melt的过去式和过去分词)。adj. 溶解的;融化的;消失的

in the power of 在…的控制下;受…支配

nikolai n. 尼古拉

hinoki n. 日本扁柏木;日本扁柏

catering service 餐饮服务;宴会服务;饮食服务

public office 公职