Order document size is 1KB to 2KB.
订单文档的大小是 1KB 到 2KB。
The second advantage that native XML databases have over non-database systems is document size.
Mobile W3C CSSOM - Covers aspects like screen size, mouse position, document size, and scroll offset.
移动设备上的W3C CSSOM:这些测试覆盖了屏幕大小、鼠标位置、文档大小和滚动位置等。
As a rule of thumb, choose a page size for XML data which is not smaller than two times your average expected document size, subject to the maximum of 32kb.
经验法则是,为XML数据选择一个不小于平均预期文档大小的两倍而且不超过32 KB最大值的页宽。
Insert throughput (transactions per second or TPS) varied with document size but was linear within a size. Throughput volume was steady at 30gb per hour regardless of document size.