(of one or more things) available as another possibility
the various alternative methods for resolving disputes 解决争端的多种其他方式
the alternative definition of democracy as popular power .民主作为大众权力的另一种定义。
(of two things)mutually exclusive
the facts fit two alternative scenarios .事实与两种互不相容的预期模式相符。
of or relating to behaviour that is considered unconventional and is typically seen as a challenge to traditional norms
an alternative lifestyle .一种标新立异的生活方式。
one of two or more available possibilities
audio cassettes are an interesting alternative to reading 有声磁带是阅读之外的另一有趣选择
she had no alternative but to break the law .她除了违反法律之外别无选择。
"mid 16th cent. (in the sense ‘alternating, alternate’): from French