a part of a whole; an amount, section, or piece of something
a portion of the jetty still stands 防波堤的一部分仍然矗立着
he could repeat large portions of Shakespeare .他能够背诵莎士比亚作品中的很大部分。
a part of something divided between two or more people; a share
she wanted the right to decide how her portion of the allowance should be spent .她希望有权决定如何花销她的那一份零用钱。
an amount of food suitable for or served to one person
a portion of ice cream 一份冰淇淋
burger joints offering huge portions .供应大份汉堡牛排的店。
【律】 (根据法律赠与或遗留给继承人的)一份财产。
〈古〉 命运,天数
what will be my portion? 我的命运会是什么样呢?
〈古〉 嫁妆。
divide (something) into shares to be distributed among two or more people
for centuries meadowland with common hay rights was portioned out .在以往几个世纪中有公共干草权的草坪都是实行分配的。
[usu. as adj., with submodifier](
generously portioned lunches .分量很足的一份份午餐。
〈古〉 给(新娘)嫁妆
my parents will portion me most handsomely .我的父母会给我一大笔嫁妆。
"Middle English: from Old French