In the stage directions, Strindberg describes the kitchen in great detail.
All four librettos reprinted with a different typeface (which I feel is more readable) for stage directions.
Instead, he depends on a few stage directions as to their movements, and on the rightness of his chosen words in the dialogue.
Some people want to embed additional nondialogue text (such as stage directions) inside the dialog element, and others aren't happy with the overloading of dt and dd.
一些人希望在 dialog 元素中嵌入非对话文本(比如剧本中的舞台说明),还有人不喜欢扩展 dt 和 dd 元素的作用。
They are of different wave-originatedtimes, wave-originated stages, and wave-crest belts, and different preferential propagation directions and effective action ranges for each stage.
舞台指示(stage directions)是戏剧名词,剧本里的叙述性文字说明。内容包括对人物的形象特征、心理活动、情感变化和场景、气氛的描写,时间、地点、动作的说明以及对灯光、布景、音响效果等艺术处理的要求等。它是剧本创作的一种艺术手段。中国传统戏曲剧本中的“科”或“介”也属舞台指示。