1 a small, narrow river
2 a continuous flow of liquid, air, or gas
Frank blew out a stream of smoke 弗兰克吹出一缕烟
the blood gushed out in scarlet streams .鲜红的血一股股涌出。
a mass of people or things moving continuously in the same direction
there is a steady stream of visitors .参观者络绎不绝。
a large number of things that happen or come one after the other
a woman screamed a stream of abuse .一个女人尖声漫骂不止。
【计算机】 流,数据流,指令流。
a continuous flow of video and audio material relayed over the Internet
〈英〉 (年龄和能力相仿的儿童分在一起的)能力小组
children in the top streams .高级班儿童。
1[no obj., with adverbial of direction] (of liquid) run or flow in a continuous current in a specified direction
she sat with tears streaming down her face 她坐在那儿,泪流满面
figurative 〈喻〉sunlight streamed through the windows .阳光透过窗子照射进来。
(of a mass of people or things)move in a continuous flow in a specified direction
he was watching the taxis streaming past .他看着出租车一辆接着一辆地驶过。
[no obj.]run with tears, sweat, or other liquid
my eyes were streaming 我泪水涟涟
I woke up in the night, streaming with sweat 我夜里醒来,浑身冒汗
[with obj.]
his mouth was streaming blood .他的嘴在流血。
[no obj.](of hair, clothing, etc.)float or wave at full extent in the wind
her black cloak streamed behind her .她黑色的斗篷在身后飘舞。
[with obj.][often as noun
〈英〉 把 (学龄儿童)分成年龄能力相当的小组,分进度
[as noun
streaming ]streaming within comprehensive schools is common practice .分进度在综合中学里是通常的做法。
against (或with )the stream against (or with) the prevailing view or tendency (不)随波逐流,(不)顺应潮流,(不)随大流a world in which the demand for quality does not run against the stream . 质量追求顺应潮流的世界 -
on stream in or into operation or existence; available 在生产;投入生产;存在;出现more jobs are coming on stream .就业机会越来越多
streams of people 人流
a steam of thoughts 源源不断的思考
live stream sb/sth 直播某人/某物
stream down ... 流下...
live stream = livestream = live-stream 互联网直播;线上直播
"Old English