Report immediately if any problem crops up.
When anything crops up, you must keep calm and not act rashly.
For example, this problem crops up frequently when querying databases.
例如,在查询数据库时, 这一问题频频出现.
When complacency crops up, people do not hesitate to talk out.
产生骄傲自满情绪时, 大家都毫不犹豫地指出来.
It crops up in everything from bread and ice cream to soap and shampoo.
Testosterone crops up in another part of the business equation, too: sales.
睾丸激素也在另一商业等式中发挥着作用: 即销售.
One name that crops up repeatedly is that of Alan Baker , a Cambridge University professor and Fields medallist .
One of the names that crops up most often is Chuck Hagel, the former Republican senator who is a specialist in foreign affairs and a critic of the Iraq war.
这些共和党人中,最经常被提到的是共和党参议员Chuck Hagel,他是外交问题专家,也反对伊拉克战争。
Such is the fascination with all things Apple that blogs are humming with speculation and a new mention of the tablet crops up on Twitter around every eight minutes.