experimental physics
时间: 2023-09-11 16:52:41
英 [ɪkˌspɛrɪˈmɛnt(ə)l ˈfɪzɪks]
美 [ɪkˌspɛrəˈmɛn(t)l ˈfɪzɪks]


  • We have excogitated the multimedia textbooks of experimental physics, a combination of emulation labs and textbooks, according to the principles.


  • Fermi's accomplishments were in both theoretical and experimental physics, a unique feat in an age in which scientific endeavors have tended to specialize on one aspect or the other.


  • This paper discussed how to implement experimental physics course results assessment work in terms of experimental examination content, courses and passing rate after the evaluation after examination.


  • Here the "science occupy space" is actually "a comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development" concept of scientific development in a small experimental physics in the successful use.


  • It is the model of experimental physics. However, it is not ideal in dealing with data of this experiment by a computer.


  • Study the internal structure of hadrons has been a theoretical and experimental physics research priority.


  • Director at Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, and Chair of Experimental Physics, Faculty of Physics, at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Garching GERMANY and Munich, GERMANY.

    德国马普量子光学研究所所长,德国慕尼黑大学实验物理系主任。 缊。

  • STUART A. SOLIN became Charles M. Hohenberg Professor of Experimental Physics in the College of Arts & Sciences at Washington University in 2002.


  • Ting, as one of the most outstanding experimental physics crested class, his quest spirit deserves to call with the science achievement way.


  • Galileo was a man of the earth, a philosopher by instinct, but a mechanic, a doer, a maker. He was the father of experimental physics. He invented the science of motion.


  • In experimental physics teaching, intelligent teaching instruments have substituted traditional ones by using computer techniques, which increased the efficiency of experimental physics teaching.


  • Error analysis is a minor part of the course in experimental physics, but it is too often short-changed so that students recite its equations without understanding their rationale.


  • High current linear induction accelerator(LIA) is a complicated experimental physics device. It is difficult to evaluate and predict its performance.


  • Physics and Philosophy, Experimental Physics and Astronomy, Theoretical Physics and thermodynamics, Relativity and Gravity, Gondens-matter Physics, High-energy Physics.


  • The expansion of SCORPIO-2104 software system and the establishment of a new realtime measuring system are described. A practical example in experimental reactor physics is also given.


  • This article introduces the basic characteristics of scintillating fiber and its applications in the field of experimental particle physics.


  • Requiring only a minimum of background material, this book is ideal for graduate students in theoretical and experimental particle physics.


  • Topics such as CP violation and b-physics may be excluded, if they are reserved for 8.881, Selected Topics in Experimental Particle Physics.

    有些专题(例如:CP破坏和底夸克物理)如果被保留在8.881实验粒子物理课程的待选专题中, 则它们将被排除在可选题目之外。

  • This article introduced the application of PDCA circulation method in physics experimental teaching, and analyzed with example the superiority of the PDCA in the physics experimental teaching.


  • Two erroneous experimental designs are discussed and what the correct physics experimental design must base on physical theory is explained in this paper.


  • The programme intends to cultivate the interdisciplinary talents in Physics and its related fields, with a knowledge of the basic theory, methods and experimental skills in Physics.


  • In this paper, we use the theories of logic thinking method and literature method to probe into how to introduce Multimedia CAI to physics experimental instruction of universities.


  • With the increasing of various levels of the students in medical colleges, there are different individualized requirements to the physics experimental test for different levels of medical students.


  • The text focuses on four chief factors and appropriate tactics in cultivating physics experimental abilities.


  • A new kind of physics experimental instrument of forced vibration and resonance is introduced, conducting research of the relationship between vibration period and two arms of prong.


  • Comparing with the measured data or the direct physics laboratory, it not only is easy to be realized but also can supply more detailed experimental data than physics laboratory.


  • A new kind of physics experimental instrument of forced vibration and resonance is introduced conducting research of the relationship between vibration period and to arms of prong .


  • Now, you said on the phone that your area of study is physics. Yeah, experimental physics.


    《The Big Bang Theory Season 3》《生活大爆炸 第三季》

  • So if any of you are considering going into experimental physics, my door is always open.


    《The Big Bang Theory Season 2》《生活大爆炸 第二季》

  • Dr. Hofstadter is representing our experimental physics program tonight. I think you'll really enjoy hearing about his fascinating work.


    《The Big Bang Theory Season 4》《生活大爆炸 第四季》


prevaricated v. 搪塞;闪烁其词;吞吞吐吐;(prevaricate的过去式和过去分词)

glide v. 滑动;滑翔;使滑行;使滑动。n. 滑行;滑动;滑移;滑音;延音;停车机动;飞行;斜击;滑行型舞步

exes n. 费用;(ex的复数)

burial n. 埋葬;掩埋;葬礼;坟墓;遗骸;出殡;遗骨;葬地

matsuyama 松山

besting vt. 打败;胜过;(best的现在分词)

data roaming

speaker n. 说话者;议长;演讲者;做讲座者;讲某种语言的人

our hopes 我们的希望

leaped n. 跳跃;跃进。v. 跳跃;(leap的过去式和过去分词)