If a journalist reaches out to do a feature story, normally you don't have to pay for it.
如果记者主动提出要求作专题报道 通常不用为此付费
Be sure about the purpose of writing the feature story.
Ask yourself why someone would care about the feature story.
Our next feature story is about the Stamford Museum and Nature Center. . .
我们下一个专题新闻是关于斯坦福德博物馆和“ 自然中心”⋯
Their feature story for Traveler, "In Search of the Black Pearl, " appears in the October 2010 issue.
A feature story is an essay written by a journalist or news reporter on varied subjects of human interest.
新闻特写(feature story)是指截取新闻事实的横断面,即抓住富有典型意义的某个空间和时间,通过一个片断、一个场面、一个镜头、对事件或人物、景物做出形象化的报道的一种有现场感的生动活泼的新闻体裁。 其以描写为主要表现手段,截取新闻事实中某个最能反映其特点或本质的片段、剖面或细节。