To some extent, this is equivalent to a product endorsement.
Product endorsement is a great way to capture customer mindshare and create brand identity.
Naturally, in our example, it is the address where we have set up our SOAP server to traffic in snowboard product endorsement queries.
当然,在我们的示例中,它是我们在滑雪板产品查询中建立的用来处理流量的 SOAP 服务器的地址。
The product certificate is not intended as a product endorsement beyond one of suitability and acceptability for competitions under IAAF Rules.
Catherine Zeta-Jones and T-Mobile or superstar athletes e.g. David Beckham and Motorola as spokespeople for AD campaigns or for product endorsement deals.
广义上说,这种广告推广方式与广告商们签约超级明星(如凯瑟琳·泽塔·琼斯与T - Mobile)或超级体育明星(如大卫·贝克·汉姆与摩托罗拉)作为广告活动或产品推广的代言人的做法没有什么不同。