Their main concern is the potential impact on remote communities.
Phillips says the problem with aerial drones is that the U. S. Federal Aviation Authority has strict rules on how and when they can be used because of the potential impact if they malfunctioned.
The managers we interviewed accept that this type of content is here to stay and are aware of its potential impact -- positive or negative -- on consumers' buying decisions.
Wrong: In this white paper, we will investigate the potential impact of remedial sales training in our buyer/seller relationships. First, let us discuss the initial conditions which precipitated our inquiry.
Lead author Helen Amanda Fricker says it's an important process to understand because of its potential impact on sea levels as ice flows off Antarctica and into the ocean.
Now is the time for executives across all industries to structure their thoughts about the potential impact and opportunities likely to emerge from the Internet of Things.
Recently, the economic crisis in east Asia has shown that simplly copy the system of west will generate a potential impact to its own financial stability.
Proper form includes keeping your arms and legs slightly bent with your arms out in front at chest height so you can respond to potential impact.
Deviations in yield associated with critical process steps should be investigated to determine their impact or potential impact on the resulting quality of affected batches.
Consequently, while expecting interest rates to rise eventually, markets have remained sanguine about the potential impact of such a rate increase on other asset markets.