Light has a predominating influence in setting the clock.
In all well-organized brains, the predominating idea and there always is one is sure to be the last thought before sleeping, and the first upon waking in the morning.
Predominating the design system does the work that production need cures to have, and draw to design the spare parts diagram, processing the diagram, assembling diagram.
Tha presence of a hydroxyl group, in addition to an olefinic linkage, in the predominating fatty acid of castor oil, gives this vegetable oll many unique and interesting properties.
The meta-somatic processes predominating in the granitic rocks in Zhejiang Province include alkali enrichment caused by metasomatism, i. e. seriatization, microclirization, and silicification.
The evaluation contents of the four hospitals are not uniform and normative, with theory check, operation estimation and medical record writing predominating, ability appraisal accounting for little.