The counter argument is that products like Foursquare make it easier for you to meet up with your friends in real life, particularly if you're young and socializing a lot.
另一种观点认为像Fours quare这样的产品让我们在现实生活中拉近了我们与朋友的距离,对于年轻而且社交广泛的人尤为如此。
Another counter argument is that the US should hold on to its stock in anticipation of a return - by itself alone or with other nations - to a monetary system based on gold.
By doing so, you will avoid triggering a defensive counter argument designed to lead you away from the areas of vulnerability or suspicion the listener is unwillingly to acknowledge.
It's this final movement of the simile, according to this ingenious argument by Geoffrey Hartman, that Hartman calls the counter-plot.
So what we have given there is a falsification of that not to the counter example to the argument.