The quick ratio (or acid-test ratio) is an improvement to the current ratio.
In the Quick ratio, the Quick assets are cash, marketable securities (short-term investments), and net receivables.
The quick ratio reflects the relationship of quick assets to current liabilities it can tell analysts the ability of immediate debt paying.
Quick ratio is the measurement of the company's ability to reimburse current liabilities and it is an important indicator of current ratio.
Third, total assets, quick ratio, patterns of guarantee or collateral and number of operating years of firms also have influence on loan pricing.
速动比,英语为:quick ratio;acid ratio;acid test ratio;liquid ratio test;quick assets ratio。跟流动比率不同的是,流动比率(流动资产/流动负债)虽然可以用来评价流动资产总体的变现能力,但人们(特别是短期债权人)还希望获得比流动比率更进一步的有关变现能力的比率指标,即速动比率。亦作:酸性比率。