Many people wonder why the wonder Girls receive so much love from nearly everyone in Korea and world-wide.
很多人想知道,为什么Wonder Girls在韩国乃至世界范围内后受到如此多的爱戴?
So Hee experienced heartache when Hyuna left the Wonder Girls back in 2007 and she has to see another of her same-age friend leave the group.
South Korea's top female pop group the Wonder Girls will release a new album on May 16 with its title songs and music video produced in English, Korean and Chinese before launching a us concert tour.
韩国超人气女子组合Wonder Girls将于5月16日发行新专辑,该专辑的主打歌使用了英语、韩语和汉语3种语言,并分别在美国、韩国和中国拍摄了音乐录影带。
And some girls wonder if they should use douches, wipes, or any of the other products that claim to make women feel cleaner and fresher.
Turning a critical eye to this research, though, we have to wonder: is it really Facebook and IM that's getting the girls down?
Wonder Girls(원더걸스),韩国女子演唱组合。 Wonder Girls以歌曲《Irony》正式出道,发行首张专辑《The Wonder Years》,获得首尔歌谣大赏新人奖、韩国最受欢迎歌手奖,随后发行首张EP《The Wonder Years - Trilogy》获得了韩国MKMF音乐颁奖礼最佳女子组合奖、最佳MV奖及年度金曲奖、韩国金唱片大奖digital音源专辑奖,2017年1月26日,女团Wonder Girls正式解散。