a woman (used as a polite or old-fashioned form of reference)
[提 及某女子时的礼貌或旧式的叫法] 女士
I spoke to the lady at the travel agency 我同旅行社那位女士谈过
[as modifier]
a lady doctor .女医生。
〈英〉 公共女厕所。
〈主北美〉 (对女人的非正式称呼,常有生硬和简慢的意味)女士
I'm sorry, lady, but you have the wrong number .对不起,女士,你拨错电话号码了。
used as a courteous designation for a female fellow member of the House of Commons
[对 同属议会下院女议员的敬称]
the Right Honourable Lady has promised me her full support .那位议员女士阁下已承诺全力支持我。
a woman of superior social position, especially one of noble birth
a courteous, decorous, or genteel woman
his wife was a real lady, with such nice manners .他的妻子真是一位淑女,举止如此优雅。
Lady Caroline Lamb .卡洛林· 兰姆夫人。
a woman at the head of a household
he always asked the lady of the house the shade of paint she would like .他总是询问这家女主人喜欢什么色调的油漆。
〈旧〉 妻子
welcoming the vice-president and his lady 欢迎副总统和夫人
[as modifier]
my lady wife .我的内子。
〈史〉 骑士或男子愿为之效劳的女人。
find the lady another term forTHREE-CARD TRICK . 同THREE-CARD TRICK .it isn't over till the fat lady sings used to convey that there is still time for a situation to change 仍有转机 -
[ORIGIN by association with the final aria in tragic opera.]
ladies who lunch informal ,often derogatory women with both the means and free time to meet each other socially for lunch in expensive restaurants 〈非 正式,常贬〉 有钱有闲在高级饭店聚会进午餐的女人 -
Lady Bountiful a woman who engages in ostentatious acts of charity, more to impress others than out of a sense of concern for those in need 施舍给人看的富婆 -
[ORIGIN early 19th cent. from the name of a character in Farquhar's
The Beaux' Stratagem (1707).]Lady Luck chance personified as a controlling power in human affairs (机遇的拟人化)幸运女神it seemed Lady Luck was still smiling on them . 似乎幸运女神仍在对他们微笑 -
Lady Muck Bri. informal a haughty or pretentious woman (often as a mocking form of address) 〈英,非正式〉 傲慢女士(常带有嘲弄意味的称呼)it's that woman, Lady Muck herself — who does she think she is? 就是那女人——傲慢女士——她以为自己是谁啊?My Lady a polite form of address to female judges and certain noblewomen [对 女法官和某些贵妇人的敬称] 夫人
"Old English