made holy; consecrated
the Blessed Sacrament .圣餐礼。
a title preceding the name of a dead person considered to have led a holy life, especially a person formally beatified by the Roman Catholic Church
[用 于已故圣徒,尤指受罗马天主教宣福礼之死者的名字前] 神圣的,尊敬的
the Convent of the Blessed Agnes. 圣阿格尼丝修道院。
endowed with divine favour and protection
blessed are the meek .天佑温顺者。
bringing pleasure or relief as a welcome contrast to what one has previously experienced
he half stumbled out of the room up to his bed and blessed, blessed sleep. 他差不多踉踉跄跄走出房间, 上了床, 甜甜美美地睡着了。
〈非正式〉 [用以温和地表示恼火] 该死的,该受诅咒的
he'll want to go and see his blessed allotment .他想去看看他租来的那块该死的土地。
those who live with God in heaven
bless you 上帝保佑你