Pure mathematics is not closely distinquished form applied mathematics;
In the last two decades of his life, he Shifted pure mathematics areas from applied mathematics areas.
He gets thrown off by pure mathematics, but he's good at anything involving spatial relationships and design.
For my own part I have never once found myself in a position where such scientific knowledge as I possess, outside pure mathematics, has brought me the slightest advantage.
The wavelet analysis is applying widely to pure mathematics, applied mathematics, signal processing, speech recognition and synthesis, automation processing and image analysis etc.
《理论数学》Pure Mathematics 是一本关于理论数学领域最新进展的国际中文期刊,主要刊登理论数学领域最新研究进展的创造性论文和评论性文章,由汉斯出版社发行。 在第五届《中国学术期刊评价研究报告(武大版)(2017-2018)》中,被评为“RCCSE中文OA学术期刊类核心期刊”。